PSC 103- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 14 pages long!)

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How much of it does: the poor are not the principal beneficiaries of social welfare spending. Most of it, including the larger programs- social security and medicare-goes to the non-poor. How are those guidelines problematic: hired sociologists to buy what an average american can eat for food. What are the differences between the two: aid to families with dependent children there were a lot of people using the. Afdc but not actually trying to work so they created tanf (temporary assistance for needy families). 1. work requirements added and gave more decision to the state about who received welfare. Is this spending effective: we spend more than most western countries; life expectancy is in the middle. What about the media do they accurately represent non-whites in poverty: they feel that minorities are in poverty more often than whites. The media can also over estimate those that are in poverty are non-white.