PSY 351 Study Guide - Endorphins, Microorganism, Convulsion

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Brain region: prefrontal cortex, amygdala & hippocampus: 20% reduction in the hippocampus volume. A reinforcer is a temporally contiguous environmental event, or an effect directly produced by a response (e. g. , a musician playing a melody), that functions to strengthen or maintain the response that preceded the event. A reinforcer is demonstrated only if the strengthening or maintenance effect occurs. Positive reinforcement occurs when a reward, sometimes called a reinforcer, is given for a specific desired behavior. Drugs are addictive because they either mimic or stimulate the production of brain chemicals that cause feelings of pleasure: taking a recreational drug causes a surge in levels of dopamine in your brain, which trigger feelings of pleasure. Your brain remembers these feelings and wants them repeated. Reverses the dopamine transporter: the neurons excretes dopamine rather than reabsorbing it, increase the amount of dopamine in the synapses. Blocks synapses that inhibit release of dopamine.