SOC 307 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Buffalo State College, Motor Vehicle Theft, Voluntary Manslaughter

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12 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Part i: use ucr data reported in crime in the u. s. 2015 to complete part i. (a) you suspect there are a lot of motor vehicle thefts (mvts) on ub"s campus. How does this compare to the number of mvts at. Report both the absolute numbers of mvts as well as rates per 100,000 (to one decimal place). Briefly discuss whether/how/why any of these figures surprised you. The figure that surprised me the most was the city of buffalo mvt rate. The rate seems extremely high compared to the rates of new york city where the population is higher and the united states as a whole. Ultimately, it does make sense since the populations in each town, city, state and nation have much different circumstances within them. I also think that the rate between ub and buffalo state have a huge difference. Buffalo state had two and that is not a big difference at all.