SCI 240 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Monounsaturated Fat, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Saturated Fat

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A significant amount of material in this chapter appears on the first exam. Be certain to read the material for comprehension and work hard to gain a good comprehension of this material: there are four categories of large, organic (biological) molecules. List the four (see the chapter review on page. 48, they are in orange type and also shown in the box on the lower right hand side of page 48. Use classes of macromolecules and their components to answer the following). Provides for energy storage (examples: starch and glycogen) Key component of the structure of the cell membrane. C. __fatty acids (primarily though not exclusively: a. 1. act as enzymes and so regulate chemical reactions. 3. defensive (antibodies help defend us against disease) C. __nucleotides: define the two types of reactions that occur in biological systems, dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis (p. 36 or glossary)