MGMT 2100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Flat Organization, Acculturation, Departmentalization

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Document Summary

Team definition a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Five-stage model of team development: forming, team members may experience stress due to the uncertainty of not knowing the other team members and understanding their role on the team. Input-process-output model defines the different aspects of team effectiveness. Input the individual characteristics and personalities of team members (skills, abilities, etc. ) and the resources they have at their disposable. Process how the team interacts (team development, patterns of participation). Output the collective work product generated from the team. Output has three components: performance as rated by those outside the team, how well team member individual needs are met, and the willingness of team members to stay on the team. Team effectiveness reflects three broad categories: performance, behaviors, attitudes. Team viability a collective sense of belonging similar to team cohesion.