EDMS 451 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Percentile Rank, Kurtosis, Percentile

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Document Summary

Variables: any characteristic possessed by, and varying among a set of objects of interest. Constant: same ^ but only has one value. Operational de nition: how one de nes and measures a variable, and possibly under what conditions. Procedures for organizing, summarizing, and describing quantitive data. Procedures for making inferences about large groups using data from small groups. Population: the total group (of scores) about which we wish to gain information. Simple random sample: each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected into the sample (best option if possible. Strati ed random sample: divide population into sub populations and randomly sampling from each. Cluster sample: randomly choose groups and then randomly chose cases within those groups. Convenience sample: get whomever you can nd (people you know, volunteers, etc) bad. Nominal: each number represents a diff. name or category.