GEOG 202 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: League Of Nations Mandate, Stateless Nation, Tibetan People

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A nation consists of people with shared bonds of language, ethnicity, religion, and other cultural characteristics that are sometimes undefined or unrecognizable. A state is a politically organized and defined territory administered by a single sovereign system of government. A state must have defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and be recognized by other states. Political geography: international (geopolitics), states (countries), and local (cities, communities); the international scale is more relevant. Give some examples of how maps are political. Maps can create the boundaries of nations, states, and nation-states, and even serve a purpose to their creators (they are never neutral); they can also portray countries in specific ways. Border- the geographic boundary of a political unit, such as a state. National boundaries are geographical features that create obstacles to transportation and communication. Compact: easiest to defend with effective communication and transportation, but these states usually have harder access to the ocean and fractured ethnic groups (ex.