MATH 110 Midterm: Exam 3A No Solutions Fall 2003

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14 Mar 2019

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The figure above shows the tuning curves for two spiral ganglion cells. There is an ambiguous response in a single hair cell to frequencies at or below the cf. A single ganglion cell can respond to a range of lower frequencies at the same spike rate it does to its cf as the intensity of sound increases. Some of you said the ambiguity comes from the fact these two ganglion cells have the same cf. How in the world that might give rise to an ambiguous signal evades me. Amount of glutamate released from synapses between hair cell and spiral ganglion cells and the density of glutamate receptors in the spiral ganglion cell dendrites can account for this difference. Here we trusted all of you would recognize from the first lecture in the course that synaptic transmission involves the release and reception of neurotransmitter.