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10 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Sketch a net for the rectangular prism shown at right. b. On the diagram, sketch a "slice" that would give a trapezoidal cross-section. Sketch a diagram with sun, earth, and moon such that the moon appears to be larger than a half circle but not full to an earth-observer. b. For each of the following, sketch if it is possible. Make sure all relevant lengths and angles are marked. A triangle that is both isosceles and right. b. Statement: all elementary education majors must take praxis i. a. rewrite the statement above as an equivalent statement in "if then " form. a. A student has used geometer"s sketchpad to look at the side lengths of many parallelograms. He notes that all of the ones he has looked at have opposite sides that are equal; therefore he now believes that all parallelograms have congruent opposite sides. Consider a convex polygon with ten sides. a.