PSYC 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Automatic Behavior, Demand Characteristics, Classical Conditioning

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Document Summary

Five goals of psychology: describe, explain, prediction, control, improve. Causation- when something is responsible for something else occurring. Correlation-two or more events occur at the same time. Negative- one increases and other decreases or vice versa. The closer to -1 or 1 is a stronger correlation. Spurious correlation- means that the two things being studied aren"t correlated but are thought to be. May happen due to coincidence or an unknown factor. Curvilinear relationship- relationship in which as one variable increase the other does to but to a point, then that variable decreases. The more cheerful a service staff is, the higher the customer satisfaction, but only up to a certain point. When a service staff is too cheerful, it might be perceived by customers as fake or annoying, bringing down their satisfaction level. Independent variable- things that you"re are manipulating or changing] Dependent variable- the results of what you were manipulating.