SOCY 230- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 23 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Study of the social, cultural, economic and political processes that shape social structure, cultural life and individual personality characteristics. Goal is to gain knowledge and information about how society is organized and how individuals in society are organized. Systematic study of individuals thoughts, feelings and behaviors in social contexts. Emphasizes how society shapes the meanings of social interactions. Do not develop theories about a single individual. Theories based on how people behave in situations. Social institutions like education, criminal justice, labor market. Demographic outcomes like poverty rates, divorce rates, violence and large scale social change. Society resembles a biological organism where every part is important. Study of the effects of interpersonal interactions and how society influences social psychological processes influences social psychological processes. A system that can be analyzed by being organized into a set of parts that is fundamentally dependent on other parts of the system. Regular patterns of social life that typify individual interactions.