BTE 210 Midterm: study guide test 1

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Document Summary

Information systems: collects, processes, stores, analyzes and disseminates information for a specific purpose, purpose: getting right information to the right people in the right amount at the right time and in the right format. Data, info, knowledge: data: elementary description of things; has not been organized to convey meaning. Cbis: put data into information and knowledge that can be used. It personnel use these components to develop iss, manage data, and oversee security and risk. All these tasks are completed through an application: computer program designed to support a specific business task. Knowledge workers: expertise in particular subject and create info and knowledge which they integrate into the business, example: accountant, act as advisors to middle managers and executives. Dashboards: support all managers of an organization, tailored to information needs of executives, provides rapid access to timely info. It and jobs: risk of being replaced with a machine is increasing rapidly, but it creates new categories of jobs as well.