BUS 150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Source Document, Compound Document, Spreadsheet

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Document Summary

Scrolling with mouse does not change position of the active cell with keyboard- causes active cell to change. Mathematical order of operation -parentheses, exponent, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction. Inserting & deleting cells/columns/rows- insert row it goes above/ insert column it goes to left/ Clearing (erasing) vs deleting -clearing / cell stays when cleared deleting /cell is gone when you delete. Functions vs equivalent arithmetic formulas (average and the sum) -what will happen when you erase a cell /the function skipped the erased cell /the formula changed the erased cell to a 0. Cell errors #value /formula is referencing a cell that has text in it (needs a value/not seen in formula)-#ref /come from deleting cells that formulas reference/this is seen in formula /the formula needs to be fixed. #div/o / formula is fine, but there is a 0 or empty cell being used as the divisor -#num- problem within cells that formula references, not problem with the formula itself.