PSY 240 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Behavioral Activation, Body Shape, Substance Abuse

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15 Sep 2018

Document Summary

Emotions = changes in physiological arousal accompanied by subjective feelings (e. g. , anger, anxiety, boredom, disgust, jealousy, joy, pride, sadness, surprise, etc. ) and an action tendency. Common symptoms between the two are referred to a negative affect. Mood disorders = sustained periods of depression or cycles of depression and mania which impair functioning or cause distress. Depressive disorder- sad, empty or irritable mood with cognitive and somatic changes that significantly reduce a person"s functioning. Major depressive disorder- defined by the absence of manic/hypomanic episodes before or during the disorder. If two or more major depressive episodes occurred and were separated by at least. 2 months during which the individual was not depressed, the major depressive disorder is noted as being recurrent: duration of recurrent major depressive episodes is ~ 4 5 months. Certain symptoms, or specifiers, may or may not accompany a depressive disorder; when they do, they are often helpful in determining the most effective treatment or likely course.