MCB 181R Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Isocitric Acid, Catabolism, Symporter

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For multiple choice questions (each worth 3 points), some questions will have only one correct answer (and will say choose one ). Others will have the possibility of more than one right answer (labeled choose all ); there are never more than 3 correct answers. For multi- select questions (those with more than one correct answer), there is a 1pt penalty for incorrect answer choices. For short essays (each worth 5 points): confine your answers to the space provided on the scansheet. Writing outside those margins will adversely affect the machine- scoring of your exam. The numbers reflect the amount of radioactivity present in each place. (choose all) 2: eukaryotic cells in multicellular organisms take on their specialized functions by altering the number and types of organelles they possess. The diagram below shows four types of specialized cells, each dominated by different types of organelles.