MIS 111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Human Resource Management, Spyeye, Business Case

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MIS 111 Full Course Notes
MIS 111 Full Course Notes
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It impacts entire industries: apricot forest does not make money by charging physicians for downloading the apps, robots are useful for handling monotonous tasks (ex: factory work). It can be used to create a competitive advantage when it is used effectively. Accountants: a back door is an attack by a programmer developing a system, the purpose of spyeye is to collect personal and financial information, threat is any danger to which a system may be exposed. Businesses can utilize enterprise architectures to foster alignment: the web has a mixed impact on buyer power. Systems acquisition and evaluation: business case approach provides justification for a specific requirement investment by providing a bridge between the initial plan and its execution, offshoring is a consideration in the following question: E-government and citizen engagement: when the dnc was targeting voters using their data-driven approach, which of these voting groups were the most appropriate to target? (this question is from the online lecture)