PSIO 485 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Antimineralocorticoid, Central Venous Pressure, Aldosterone

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Is it a common health problem: hypertension is defined as the a sustained elevation of systemic blood pressure. An increase of pressure exerted on the vasculature. It accounts for 90% of developing hypertensions, and 50% have a higher risk of hypertension. 1 in 3 adults have been diagnosed with hypertension. Increased total peripheral resistance increases blood pressure: also have a combination of both = mean arteriole pressure increased viscosity - thickness of blood increased resistance. Hypertension - combined systolic and diastolic; isolated systolic hypertension is elevated systolic blood pressure accompanied by normal diastolic blood pressure: secondary hypertension - high blood pressure caused by another disease. Even kidney transplants, heart transplants, and apnea can cause secondary hypertension. High blood pressure increases the workload of the heart. When the ventricles contract to open the semilunar valve, they must generate sufficient pressure to exceed the blood pressure in the major arteries.