CPH 200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act, Microsoft Powerpoint, Urination

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Review david parra"s power point presentation; review your debate exercise and review your homework assignment regarding aca. Understand and discuss the basics of the affordable care act http://www. hhs. gov/healthcare/facts-and-features/key-features-of-aca-by-year/index. html?language=en# Be able to discuss some of the ways in which the affordable care act has impacted the health care system in the us http://www. hhs. gov/healthcare/facts-and-features/fact-sheets/aca-is-working/index. html. The affordable care act working to improve access, affordability and quality in health care. Private and public sector alignment around better care, smarter spending, and healthier people. Newly unlocked health data to inform providers and empower consumers. An increased interest among americans in prevention and wellness. Understand the impact of aca on young adults between the ages of 18-26 and the importance of participation of this age group to the success of aca. Young adults are most likely to be uninsured and least likely to report a usual source of medical care than any age group.