[BIO 100] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (50 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Landscape ecology: interacting with each other; looking at bigger space. Ecosystem ecology: energy flow and chemical cycling between organisms and environment. Population ecology: factors that affect population size; how and why it changes. Organismal ecology: looks at the physiology; it"s movement. What is population ecology: group of members of one species, share gene pool, live in one defined area, often reproduce with each other. What are the factors involved in determining population size and distribution: disease, geologic factors, competition, seasonal climate, food supply, death rate, natural disasters, territory size, reproduction rate. Limiting biotic factors: competition, predation, disease, parasitism, mutualism. Limiting abiotic factors: temperature, water and oxygen, salinity, sunlight, rocks and soil. Dynamic biological processed influence population density, dispersion, and demographics: density: number of individuals per unit area or volume, dispersion: pattern of spacing among individuals within the boundaries of the population, clumped, uniform, random.