GEOL 305 Study Guide - Final Guide: Gastralium, Quadrupedalism, Carpometacarpus

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Geology 305 final pt 3: have a general understanding of the ichthyornithiformes, their lifestyle & derived characters. Ichthyornis, from the late cretaceous of north america, had a deep, keeled sternum, and an extremely large deltoid crest, both adaptations for powerful flight musculature. Upon completion of this chapter, the student should: have an understanding of the different types of metabolisms and thermoregulation. Endotherm: an animal that is dependent on or capable of the internal generation of heat; a warm- blooded animal. Ectotherm: an animal that is dependent on external sources of body heat. Homeotherm: an organism that maintains its body temp at a constant level, usually above that of the environment, by its metabolic activity. Poikilotherm: an organism that cannot regulate its body temp except by behavioral means such as basking or burrowing: know the breadth of the evidence for and against dinosaur endothermy including: