GEY 3601 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Circulatory System, Dementia, 6 Years

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Quiz 1: a) explain how caloric restriction (caloric restriction articles) may affect increasing lifespan (lifespan article). Caloric intake, if done correctly can increase life span which changes the rate of decline in vitality to a further age by lowering the free radical numbers and decreasing the amount of cell deaths. The mice are not relevant because they don"t live in the same environment as humans. Most experiments that involve rats are in a very controlled environment, from any damaging or harming environment that could possibly reduce the effect of the experiment. Also mice don"t have similar harmful life choices at humans. With the dangers removed mice still have a shorter life span, proving that comparing humans to mice is not as promising as if they chose monkeys at the zoo. One similarity the to share is that gender does exist in both groups: explain how aging can be slowed or slightly reversed (see aging reversal under telomere aging folder)