PHIL 338 Study Guide - Final Guide: Female Genital Mutilation, Voting Age

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Internal interactions or practices are interactions or practices that involve only members of the same culture: e. g. female genital cutting. Norm: girls should have this done at a certain age: voting. Yes, rights of individuals even against members of their own culture: bartolom de las casas said it was a mistake to convert natives, the external norm was problematic. But freedom of religion = free the exercise religion free from interference, even from members of their own government. This process can lead to acknowledgment of individual rights against their own group. that apply to all cultures, even those who disagree. This view holds that there is a non-relative duty to be tolerant of other cultures" internal norms. He is assuming that justifying reasoning is top down. You start with fundamental values (incompatible in this case) and you derive fundamental norms. We hope we can come to an agreement somehow.