BIS 101- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 58 pages long!)

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Example: behavior: nature vs nurture, genetics vs environment. Region of dna transcribed and translated to a product: central dogma, dna rna protein. Unit of heredity: passed onto next generation. Hereditary but not xxy syndrome: breakage of dna that causes this syndrome, centromere no rna or no dna, key for hereditary. Medicine: drug reactions (genetics determine sensitivity) Biotechnology: pro: allows for changes, con: unknown complexity. Mendel did not discover genetics, they were already there. Controversy blending theory vs particulate theory: using basic statistics/probability. Blending theory of inheritance: a belief that inheritance increased like mixing of fluids. Particulate theory of inheritance: control traits act like particle that one passed from one gene to next. F1: all yellow: yellow dominant to green = complete dominant, green recessive -- gone. F2: 6022 yellow; 2001 green: yellow still dominant, but green comes back in f2 generation. Green reappears in the f2 generation even though it was not there in f1 generation.