CRD 1 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Capital, Community Organizing, Mechanical And Organic Solidarity

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This outline is a guide to help you to organize your materials for study. It is to your benefit to be familiar with all information presented in lecture and the assigned readings. Community types - (see a&c; rubin & rubin: placed based: territory, locale, spatial, non place based: interest based, issue based, imagined/symbolic, social network, kinship or solidarity community - shared background, culture, beliefs, ethnicity, ascriptive ties; identity. According to lecture, although community is vital for social reproduction and for the maintenance of the larger political economy, with globalization it is increasingly constrained in shaping or transforming the economy. Picher historically was a mining town producing lead and zinc used for bullets and bombs during wwii. Now, one of the most poisoned places in the country and an epa superfund site. Picher"s problems included water pollution, ground collapse, effects of lead exposure in children.