ECS 30 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Print Job, Chmod, Binary File

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Hanly chapters 2-6: (10 points) you just printed something, and realize that it is a binary file that will print a bunch of garbage. Now you want to make sure that only you can read and write it. What unix command should you type? mv hw1/*. c hw1/*. h mid1: (5 points) you want to view the file test3. c a screen at a time. What unix command would you type: (25 points) given the following series of if statements, provide the outputs for each x. ____6___ a. ) w = (x != y) -2 + 7. ____23__ b. ) w = x-- + y-- * ++z c. ) w = x == y || x != y && z > x ____0___ ____6___ d. ) w = !! (x * 4) + x % y. The program will prompt the user for the two numbers, and then list on one line all the factors that the numbers have in common.