HDE 100B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Aka People, Scientific Method, Longitudinal Study

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Document Summary

The scientific method (we draw evidence by using the scientific method ) What"s important to society informs what sort of research questions we test. The research findings we produce then informs society. Falsifiable - must be able to be disproven. Need to define all the key variables. * replication with different participants is important. R = pearson product - moment correlation coefficient. Different types of research studies (e. g. , cross - sectional, longitudinal etc. ) Naturalistic observations - look at people in their natural environments. Limited control, behavior may change when observed. Limited control - can"t control the environment, randomness may be introduced. Some people act differently when they know they are being watched. Can be conducted with interviews, focus groups; try to get people"s perceptions of their experience. Small samples, limited generalizability, misinterpretation (aka vulnerable to bias) Limited to self - reported data (aka people are not always honest or they will respond in way they think researcher wants) limited generalizability.