PSC 140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Almost Surely, Lev Vygotsky, Xyy Syndrome

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25 Apr 2018

Document Summary

Covers: chapters 1-6 of the textbook (either 6 th or 7 th edition), plus related lectures and in-class films. Still need two more questions, one on page 16 and the other one 24. Be familiar with historical views of children and sociological and technological issues that. Shifted from rural to urban living, schooling or factory work. Children worked in factories away from their families for 12 hour work days. Children were left to take care of their younger siblings. During the middle ages children were considered a smaller version of adults. As the scope of development widened, the pace and complexity of research increased. With the boom of technology, researchers were able to record children"s behaviors with video cameras, obtain images of brain activity, analyze data with powerful computers. Darwin"s evolution of species proposed if human beings evolved, the different stages in.