ANTHRO 2A Study Guide - Final Guide: Trobriand Islands, Cockfight, Clifford Geertz

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12 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Cultural evolution (mid 1800s to the turn of the 20th century) Definition: all of the world"s cultures evolve through the same uniform stages -- from primitive to civilized -- but at different rates of development. European cultures set the standard for being the most complex, advanced, and civilized. Example of application: ethnologist james frazer categorized the aboriginal peoples of australia as being the most primitive on earth because according to his cultural evolutionary model of religions they practiced primitive magic. Definition: societies develop differently and must be understood in the context of their specific cultural traits, histories, and environments. Example of application: franz boas" research demonstrated that the. Inuit of the alaskan and canadian arctic have a unique and complex culture that they have developed over their history as they resourcefully adapt to a particularly harsh environment. Definition: culture is the principle force in shaping personality.