CRM/LAW C10- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 33 pages long!)

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Do you agree/disagree and why: sandal argument if people in the market can"t control when market goes bad then they can"t control it when it is good. Instead, we should punish them: ca price gouging law, applies following a state emergency disaster. Accidents: what is the law, most adults are here, level 3, post conventional reasoning, stage 5, what circumstances placed the cookie here, stage 6. People regard it as unacceptable/respond negatively (but not all people) Deviance should be considered a crime when it comes to harm . (under 25) no, it is predictable but as a society it is seen as deviant. Look at why people violate social norms. As a society we have to have crime or else we lose solidarity on what we call crime. States crime is normative, we can say those are the bad people and we are the good ones. According to durkheim, it"s not pathological but needed in a society.