CRM/LAW C108 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Heart Rate, Anomie

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If something wrong with w/ superego more likely to commit crime. Genetic factors & biological harms may increase likelihood of developing traits conducive to crime. Specific crime in disorganized neighborhoods & neighborhoods causes their conditions weak social control which causes delinquent behavior. Having low levels of dopamine/ serotonin depending on good/bad environment determines more/less aggression. Crime is normal reaction of normal ppl to abnormal conditions. Explains only small portion of who"s commiting crime related to ctz model. Propositions informal social controls & social cohesion/trust determine criminal & delinquent behavior. State of society characterized by breakdown social norms & rules. Commonly shared cultural goal & limited opportunity= high crime rates. Dream & economic what you achieve dominance lead to not how. high crime. Criminal behavior a. d. is the reason for crime. Didn"t elaborate why some ppl chose to conform rather than innovating.