DEV BIO 232 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Photic Zone, New Zealand Mud Snail, Thermocline

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During flooding and high flow, the pool velocity is only a little. A lot of questions on river continuum flowing water dams lakes. Marshes bogs estuaries emphasis on flowing water systems, lakes and reservoirs wetlands have 3 characteristics hydrophitic veg. special water form soils. No net loss in quantity or quality mitigation (legal trade off) Ratio is much higher bc most mitigation failed wetlands are famous for producity grams of carbon fixed per square meter per year greater than the terrestrial rainforest in north america there are 11 primary drainages. Zone of erosion and headwaters carved sharp v shaped valleys (cid:0) transported sediment. Moving it to zone of dep (cid:0) dumping sand out of the system. Most of zones have been destroyed for flood control. Stuff dragging along the bottom and sides slows it down. Ox bows forms when meanders flows in with sediment.