[IN4MATX 43] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (30 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Cars, medical field, politics, military, space, disaster response, refugee crisis, movies, games, gangsta rap, college life, . Large, built by teams, long-live, multi-version, complex. Of all the staff hours in the entire program to build the two-mode hybrid transmission some 70 percent were devoted to developing the control software . Software is a business, an ever-growing business. Money spent, money made, size of company, jobs in the future. Profit that will be made from sale of software. User: the user interface - buttons, icons, menus, etc. Get it right before you make it faster. Good management is more important than good technology. Use component-based development (buy vs. build) to reduce the coding effort. Show the customer preliminary versions of the software frequently. No silver bullet - essence and accidents of software engineering ~ fredrick brooks. Software engineering is hard because of the essential difficulties of software. A construct of interlocking concepts: data structures and classes, algorithms, function calls.