PSY BEH 11C Midterm: Lec 1-7 Study Guide (Midterm I)

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Document Summary

S tudy guide for p s ych 11c midterm 1. Psychology often takes ordinary, everyday behaviors as it"s subject matter - but examines it with standard scientific methods. Hypothe s e s , p roce dure s (e xpe rime nts ), da ta (re s ults ), findings (conclus ions ) S ocia l p s ychology: powe r of s ocia l influe nce , be ha vior influe nce d by the s itua tion. Abnorma l p s ychology: s tudy of unus ua l pa tte rn of be ha vior, e motion, thought which ma y/ma y not be unde rs tood a s me nta l dis orde r. P e rs ona lity p s ychology: s tudie s pe rs ona litie s a nd its individua l diffe re nce s.