PSYCH 9B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sensory Memory, Explicit Memory, Spreading Activation

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Important note: the purpose of this study guide is to give you a rough idea of the types of material that will be on the first exam. There may be questions on the exam that are not on this study guide. There may also be questions on this study guide that do not appear on the exam. Please bring to the exam scantron form f-158 (a red and white 5 x 11 inch form), two sharpened number 2 pencils, and your uci student id card. Baby albert: behaviorist"s main claims about learning, research showing limitations of behaviorism: taste aversion; observational learning; forward, backward & simultaneous conditioning; noam chomsky"s critique of skinner, some key figures: pavlov, watson, thorndike, skinner.