PUBHLTH 107 Study Guide - Final Guide: Institutional Review Board, Human Services, Diethylstilbestrol

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13 Sep 2017

Document Summary

1905 national health insurance begins when industries began providing coverage to all employees. By wwii 70% of japanese were covered by health insurance. Government sets health care fees so that they are low. Employees health insurance employer pays 10% of medical costs. Ph centers on prevention and health promotion annual check-ups uses complementary and alternative medicine: financing, preventive care, weaknesses with health care system. Doctors over prescribe medications financing challenged for elderly care. 10. 3 nurses / 1000 population shortage of obstetricians, anesthesiologists and emergency physicians. Healthcare system in brazil: national health system, healthcare delivery. Councils and committees at each level of government. Providers and citizens participate in healthy policy an programs. 21. 2 have supplementary system illegal to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions or to set limits on insurance use. 12 physicians / 10,000 individuals good hiv/aids coverage decline in childhood mortality improved dental care and emergency services. Leading causes of death: ischemic causes of death, cerebrovascular disease, perinatal conditions.