PUBHLTH 2 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pregnancy Discrimination Act, Opioid Use Disorder, Naloxone

51 views2 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Suboxone film is a tiny, dissolvable, and transparent film that is easy to hide. Over recent years, suboxone have not been helpful or effective for the majority of patients seeking medications to ease their opioid addictions. According to the video "what is cardiac rehab?" cardiac rehabilitation is only recommended by medical professionals if the patient undergoes serious medical treatment such as open heart surgery. According to the article, "maryland switches opioid treatments, and some. Patients cry foul," doctors unanimously support the change in maryland"s list of preferred drugs to treat opioid addiction from dissolvable film to tablet form. Surgeon general, he stated that while some medications have derived from marijuana compounds, there is not enough science to support that smoking marijuana can improve health. Medication adherence is more difficult for older people because it can be more. Lecture difficult for older people to remember to take their medication.