[MUS 014] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (23 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Popular music: music of the people, working/middle class; democratic; as opposed to classical art music; suggests music can be contained by social context. Broadcast radio late 1920s, early radio: live, little interaction. Recordings audio & video or film. Media: technologies that deliver and/or store information; interactive or unidirectional. Schizophonia split sound from its source; dislocatiob of sound in time and/or space (e. g. telephone call) Audience is not in the physical presence of performance. Cultural greyout american phenomenon; uniqueness of certain parts of the world would disappear. Cultural imperialism 2 different kinds of/opposing views . Originally meant public behavior; implicit between public & private life/existence. Running for public office, governing, proposing legislation, making laws, campaigning, voting, influencing the behavior of state officials. It always occurs in real time -> rooted in particular context; (e. g. jimi hendrix at. Woodstock 1969; can mean something for someone and completely different for someone else)