PHYS 037 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Neutron Star, Cosmic Neutrino Background, Virtual Particle

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One emits a virtual particle that is absorbed by the other particle. 2 electrons through electromagnetic force do so by exchanging a virtual photon. Nucleus = protons + neutrons both known as baryons. Neutrons = quark x3 (most fundamental part of matter) Free neutron decay to proton, emitting an electron & a neutrino --> all in 600 seconds. Collisions cause electrons to jump up to higher orbitals/energy levels. If one falls from orbital 3 to orbital 2, emitted photon will have 656 mm wave. If from 4 to 2, the wavelength is 486 mm. Proton-antiproton pair formed at temp > 10^13 k. Matter & antimatter annihilate on contact, releasing energy. Must have been asymmetry in amounts of matter and antimatter in order for us to exist now. C & p are two fundamental properties of particles. If cp is not conserved --> a particle and antiparticle have different properties. Electromagnetism is stronger than gravity and depends on electric charge https://emailucr-my. sharepoint. com/personal/nyree_catlin_email_ucr_edu/_layouts/15/wopiframe. aspx?sourcedoc={c82d6fc0-8c22-4d0b-9da7-2a2b2b3a1269}&acti