PSYC 001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Postcentral Gyrus, Auditory Cortex, Visual Cortex

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The biology and function of the nervous system. Central nervous system: brain and spinal cord, also the retina. Peripheral nervous system: cranial and spinal nerves, somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system: autonomic nervous system: responsible for homeostasis- the regulation of important body functions such as temperature and thirst, and our fight-or-flight response to emergencies. Sympathetic nervous system: prepares the body for situations requiring the expenditure of energy, designed to deal with emergencies that could be resolved relatively quickly. Parasympathetic nervous system: directs the storage of energy, Spinal cord and meninges: cushioned by cerebrospinal fluid generated by the ventricles, meninges form several layers. Pia matter is first layer touching brain, arachnoid layer, dura mater later (tough mother) Ventricles and csf: two lateral ventricles, cerebrospinal fluid. Thalamus: gateway to the cortex , input from our sensory systems go first through the thalamus, involved with memory and states of consciousness.