AST 2002 Midterm: Exam 2 Review

804 views9 pages
17 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Weight- (apparent weight) the force that a scale measures when an object is on it; weight depends on both mass and force acting on mass (including gravity) Spring tide- when the tidal forces of the sun and moon work together, at new and full (cid:373)oo(cid:374)s, the (cid:449)ater te(cid:374)ds to (cid:862)spri(cid:374)g up(cid:863) fro(cid:373) earth. Synchronous rotation- when the rotation period of a moon, planet, or star equals its orbital period about another object. Falling rocks, orbiting planets, molecules moving in the air. A higher temperature means that the particles on average have more kinetic energy and are moving faster. Electromagnetic spectrum- the range of wavelengths or frequencies over which electromagnetic radiation extends. Wavelength- the distance between adjacent peaks of the wave frequency- the number of waves that pass each second: hertz is the measure of frequency. Proton- a positively charged elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of all atomic nuclei.