DEP 2004 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Nicotine, Stanford Prison Experiment, Egocentrism

170 views8 pages
27 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Class inclusion: understanding of relationships between a group of objects and its subgroupings. 11 circles - 8 white, 3 yellow. Ask child whether there are more yellow circles or white circles. Automatic processes: happens without real conscious control. Mandatory - can not not read letters. Controlled processes: more effortful, require attention; more conscious control. Practice = controlled process automatic process. Cognitive processes that one took a lot of concentration are now easy and routine. Frees cognitive capacity: limit to how many things we can do at once (attention, memory) Limited resource model: start to allocate resources to one task and eventually run out of resources. Iq= mental age (ma)/chronological age (ca) x 100. Phonological errors more commonly seen in dyslexic children. Difficult to diagnose, math performance based on memorization, not true understanding. Hyperactivity: repetitive behaviors, inability to concentrate, discipline problems, fidgety. Can lead to low self-esteem/low standing in classroom i"m the bad kid who is always in trouble .