EDF 2005 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Israel Zangwill, English-Only Movement, Auditory Learning

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20 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Introduction to the teaching profession (teachers and students: the teaching profession and you (chapter 1) A two-year teacher education institution popular in the nineteenth century. Many normal schools were expanded to become today"s state colleges and universities: teaching contracts <12, organizations (national education association & american federation of. National education association (nea) - the largest organization of educators. The nea is concerned with the overall improvement of education and the conditions of educators. It is organized at the national, state, and local levels. American federation of teachers (aft) - a national organization of teachers that is primarily concerned with improving educational conditions and protecting teachers" rights: tenure (pros & cons) <8> A system of employment in which teachers, having served a probationary period, acquire an expectancy of continued employment.