EDF 2005 Study Guide - Final Guide: School Voucher, Invisibility, Homeschooling

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20 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Intro to the teaching profession (schools and curriculum) dr. phil. Financing and governing america"s schools (chapter 7: financing schools, local (property tax / bonds - to build schools) <189> Local real estate taxes (also cars and personal property) historically used to fund local schools. A certificate of debt issued by a government guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date. Bonds are used by local communities to raise the funds they need to build or repair schools. School bonds are used to build schools: state lottery / state income tax / sales tax / excise taxes (tobacco & alcohol) <196> Alcohol: federal (categorical grants / block grants) <196> Financial aid to local school districts from state or federal agencies for specific purposes. Funds directed at specific categories and targeted educational needs. Federal dollars provided to the states, with limited federal restrictions, for educational aid and program funding.