EXP 3304 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Hypovolemia, Binge Eating, Paraventricular Nucleus Of Hypothalamus

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Study questions for exp 3304 exam 2: spring 2016. Please note the following: the purpose of these study questions is to help you clarify and frame your thinking about the topics covered in the text. However, having said this, when studying, you should review the summary" for the chapter from the petri and. Govern (2013) text: i have organized the study questions by chapter. Arousal - performance relationship that demonstrates that different behaviors are associated with different degrees of arousal: be sure you understand hebb"s theory arousal theory. If we cut higher up the brain stem at the level of the colliculi, the sleep-wake cycle is abolished and the animal sleeps constantly, showing no spontaneous waking. Beta actively independent of one another (desynchronized) One major problem is the lack of a strong relationship between measures of behavioral, cortical, and autonomic arousal. A second problem is that it assumes different patterns of bodily responses, yet clear differences remain to be shown.