ZOO 3713C Midterm: Test 2 Review with answers

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21 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Test 2: upper limb, head, neck and joints (ch. The radial n. innervates the posterior aspect of the arm (deep radial n. for the forearm). The musculocutaneous n. innervates the brachialis m. , biceps brachii, and coracobrachialis and then becomes the lateral cutaneous antebrachial n (or lateral cutaneous n. of the forearm). The median n. innervates the anterior regions of the forearm except the lexor carpi ulnaris and. 2 tendons of the lexor digitorum profundis (ulnar n. ). Cnv/3 (mandibular branch of the trigeminal n. ) innervates the masicaion m. Infrahyoid m. are innervated by the cervical ansa. *thyrohyoid m. is by c1, before it becomes the cervical ansa. Carpal tunnel is the space created by the lexor reinaculum which connects to the pisiform bone and the hamulus of the hamate bone: contents. Guyon"s canal contains ulnar n. , a. , and v. (on anterior side of hand).