[ZOO 3733C] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (73 pages long!)

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1 Dec 2016

Document Summary

The posterior leg-tibial nerve: except short head biceps femoris-common peroneal the sole/plantar of foot-medial and lateral plantar nerve. The anterior of leg: adductor muscles- obutator nerve: adduction. Anterior aspect of lower leg/dorsum-deep peroneal nerve: dorsiflexion. Popliteus: flexion/unlocking the knee, innervation: tibial nerve. Lateral aspect of lower leg-superficial peroneal nerve: function: provation or eversion. Intramuscular injection: gluteus maximus and medius, in upper later quad, want no blood, if blood go more lateral, never more lateral. Posterior femoral region: division of sciatic nerve. Any fossa, hole, triangle know the contents. Know contents of popliteal fossa: tibial nerve, common peroneal n, popliteal vein, popliteal artery, some lymph nodes, genicular arteries and veins. Small saphenous vein can turn into popliteal in 6% of people. Think that the deep peroneal and superficial peroneal nerves are damaged. Herniation: when something from somewhere moves somewhere else. Coronary angioplasty: can cause heart attack in patient. Opposition: when fingers com toward each other, ok sign.