ANTHRO 9 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism, Ambilineality, Kinship

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15 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Anthropology: the study of the shared and diverse ways we are and become human (aka our human condition) explores influences of biological, historical, linguistic, and cultural heritages on human ways of being. Four fields of anthropology: biological: how we are / became human, archeological: remains of civilizations; diversity of human communities over time. Bronislaw malinowski: the reduction of the exotic to the familiar causes the familiar to become strange. Ethnography: ethnos = a people, community, nation; graphia = writing written description of cultures and their peoples / the end result of ethnographic research in the form of written text. Fieldnotes and ethnographic writing: participating-in-order-to-write; observing-in-order-to-write, aim to document using fieldnotes in order to remember, understand and reflect through narrative, step out and select, and to see anthropologically ( professional vision ) Technologies of self (foucalt): writing ethnographies are practices of self; practices that we engage in when writing / documenting.