CHEM 153A Study Guide - Final Guide: Enzyme Catalysis, Alpha Helix, Glycerophospholipid

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Focus on the learning objectives for each lectures that relate to the following concepts: Structures: be able to recognize, and name: amino acids. Topics from the prequiz: equilibrium, bond energy, pka and charge, basics of free energy, identifying hydrogen bonds, structure of an alpha helix, and potential effects of mutations on protein function. Non-covalent interactions and the physical basis of them. Polypeptides: draw a peptide bond, calculate the pi. Ligand binding to proteins: general principles, disassociation constants, hemoglobin, t vs r state, and how that affects oxygen binding/function. Carbohydrates: identify vs glycosidic linkages: identify whether a structure is oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, glycogen, and cellulose and their physiological function. Lipids: identify whether a structure is a triacylglycerol, glycerophospholipid or a sphingolipid and its physiological function. Structure: be able to recognize, and give full name: glycolysis intermediates. Introduction to enzymes: general properties of enzymes, thermodynamics of enzyme catalysis. Enzymatic catalysis: mechanisms of catalysis (understand and identify)