EE BIOL 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Stoma, Photorespiration, Turgor Pressure

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The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings. The political movement that seeks to protect the environment, especially from pollution. An ecosystem can be in a puddle they come in all shapes and sizes. The biggest threat to biodiversity is habitat loss and invasive species are the two major factors of loss of biodiversity. Rubsico has an affinity for o2 or co2. When it catalyzes with o2, this is photorespiration this is wasted energy can reduce by as much as 25% Factors that increase photorespiration: high temp | high o2 and low co2. Ps increases co2 uptake eventually equals co2 loss from respiration. Photostyntheically active radiation is the amount of light available for ps. Net ps = 0 is light compensation point. As apr increases so does ps until light saturation point. You can lose water from the stomata so stomatal conductance. Flow rate of co2 through the stomata.