GLBL ST 1 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cultural Imperialism, Imagined Community, Cultural Homogenization

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14 Dec 2019

Document Summary

It refers to the process, what is actually happening, a homogenizing process (economic, political and social integration); it increases interconnection and interdependence: g"lobalization. It is used as a political term, used to make politically charged arguments: neoliberalism. It is characterized by free-market trade, individualization, deregulation of financial markets and shift away from state welfare provision, associated with laissez-faire economics: west and the rest. West" refers to modernized characteristics, it is not a geographical category but a historical one: it was developed over several hundred years of colonial expansion. It became the discourse for talking about the british colonialism. Shapes the process of imperialism and ideas about both europeans and the people they encountered. West: modern, advanced, civilized, urban, industrial, developed, dynamic (being a force of change, making history), male. Rest: traditional, backwards, uncivilized, rural, agricultural, undeveloped, static (passive responses), female: discursive practice.